Neuromotor therapy is derived from sensory integration therapy and exercise science training, with the aim as to build up brain processing which allows the clients to attend, listen and take in environmental information for communication.

Sensory integration is a theory originated by Dr Jean Ayres, from the US. In simple term, it hypothesizes that inadequate sensory information processing gives rise to deficient motor responses, which are observed as “maladaptive behaviors” in daily life.

Sensory integration theory appears to be rather effective for children of young age. However, its effect on older age children, needs to be supplemented by focused exercise training, which remediates their habitual distorted motor pattern.

Hong Kong address:Suites 2708-09, Two Chinachem Exchange Square, 338 King's Road, North Point, HK
Foshan address: Room 303, Block 1, 68, Ji Hua Si Lu, Chancheng Qu, Foshan
Tel:(852) 2597 5330|